This is the last scrapbook page I completed.
The reason I'm sighing?
It was completed almost 3 months ago. Cindy came up for a visit two weekends in a row in September and we spent most of both weekends scrapping and goofing off.
I have to admit - and you might want to be sitting down for this - I have moved away from scrapping. It's not on purpose, mind you, I've moved away from quite a lot in the last few months. I just can't bring myself to sit down and do it any more. Maybe I'm in a funk, I don't know.
I miss it. Scrapbooking. Most of all what I miss is the time I used to spend with my best girlfriends under the guise of scrapbooking. Oh don't get me wrong - there was SOME scrapping being done on the occasion but for the most part it was mainly an evening spent with the girls.
On another note, this weekend that is coming to a close marks the anniversary of our first visit to Texas to see if we'd like the area. Last year on this weekend Dottie, Elaine, Mike and I flew down to the Dallas/Fort Worth area to see if this was a place we thought we might like to live. Let me tell you, it was a lot warmer LAST year on this weekend than it was here this weekend. :) I'm not complaining though. Texas is nice.
Thanksgiving is this week. All of us PA people are getting together at the Koch's house for what I am absolutely sure will be one of the best Thanksgiving meals I will experience in many years. I have been given the task of making a green bean casserole and I have volunteered to bring a couple copies of the local newspaper so that we may all lay around fat and happy reading the ads for Black Friday. Our friend Cindy will arrive Thanksgiving eve to spend a weekend again.
I took the opportunity to invite friends to come and share the day with us scrapbooking at the house. I don't know what I'll do yet - I'm so far behind on projects it's hard to know where to start. My girl Mel is pregnant and now Dottie and Winston are adopting...will the projects ever stop? :) (SO HAPPY FOR YOU, SISTERS!)
I know that it's been awhile since I posted and I apologize. I'll do better through the holidays, I'm sure. I didn't think there'd been much news but now that I've written it seems as though there has been SOME things going on.
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