They sneak up on you sometimes. Just like a fake monster in a haunted house or mom's quirky sense of humor.
I had very little time with my family this year for the holidays. I am thankful for what I had since most people I know didn't even go home at all for Christmas (and for many years prior to this as well!) The trip over to Virginia was eventful in that my plane was delayed for two hours in Dallas and I arrived in Richmond close to 8 pm. on Friday night. I know I was happy to be home with my peeps and it seems as though the attitude was contagious. I had requested the family go out and get Santa hats so that we could take some neat and different Christmas pics this year. Unfortunately, the only one I got with any family member was of me that first night I arrived. Mom was playing out some goofiness and put the hat on all cockeyed and waved at the camera. Dear old mom...always good for a chuckle.
The visit was fun, fast and exhausting. I know that I'm getting old now. Used to be weekends like that were a dime a dozen and I came away from them feeling fine. I got home and crashed hard that Monday and don't think I caught up on sleep for several days.
It was a good trip - I even managed to get mom to drop me at the local scrap store to pick up a few things. We shopped, ate, laughed and had a really good time. Like only the Heim clan knows how to do. :)
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