Joey has been fascinated by these things for the last couple of years. The first one with the dog that barked "Jingle Bells" had him nearly in a frenzy every time we hit that button. He would sit below it on the floor and watched with his ears perked and his head tilted to the side (kind of like the RCA dog) or he would be up on his hind legs with his front feet balancing him so he could watch and listen. When it was finished he'd jump up and down and run around the room then stop near it hoping it would play again. If someone was on the couch next to the table where it sat and they hit the button he'd jump up in their lap and stand there watching every single move that tiny little dog with antlers made. It was awesome!
This year was no different. I put it on the floor and hit the button. The snowman moves and so do the penguins- one of them even has a bell on his tail! Gracie was immediately engrossed and had to check it ALL out. Joey sat in front of it in wonder as they moved and sang. The bells rang and they both flipped out. It was fun! I think Gracie was thinking like a cat for sure! There was a threat there somewhere - something that moves and that's small has GOT to be trouble! Imagine my surprise when she went for the tree and not the penguins!!! :)
tee hee...she figures the one that makes no noise is the one she will take care of... :-)
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