Texas is hot. I don't get to see my Grammy enough and when I do see her she's always got a suitcase. What happened to being able to drive down and see her whenever I wanted to? Mom says it's too long of a trip for the weekend anymore. I sure do miss my Sarah sometimes. That dog could put my whole head in her mouth. And much like the bread, butter, gum drops and peanuts, she probably would eat me too if she had the chance!
I still get to see my friends Bailey and Jazzie however things for us all have been really busy and we haven't had much time to visit lately. I've even seen Sugar a couple of times. I've met new pals from down the street - Lucia and Nicholas. They are a alot of fun to romp around with and sometimes their mom - my Aunt Gretchen brings them over just so we can all play together. We have a lot of fun ganging up on Gracie.
This brings me to the another portion of my blog entry - a CAT?! What happened to another PUPPY for me to play with? Mom says this cat is her other pet but I think she's more like MY pet. We sleep together all day long and sometimes I give her a bath cuz if she's going to sleep with me she has to be clean. We share a lot around here (including mom's attention) and I've always got her back. Unless she's getting herself into trouble like she is prone to do and then I just stand there and stare at her with that, "Mom's gonna KILL you" look on my face.
I miss Dixie and Maui and my friends Lisa and paul who used to come visit and play with me. I miss my Auntie Mel and Uncle Corey and of course, Aunt Mary (who used to feed me table scraps when mom wasn't looking!) Don't worry about me though, I'm doing well in Texas. I have my own fenced in yard, a kitten of my very own to play with and a couple of neat kids who come visit me every day to make sure I go out and go potty if mom's going to be working late. I get my treats on a regular basis and don't even have to share them with the kitty. A bonus for getting a kitty instead of a dog - she gets her OWN treats now. Talk to you all soon! Love you!