Well, here it is my first night of dog/cat/house sitting for friends of mine. It's always good to come home to Joey and Gracie - both falling all over each other to be the first to greet me at the garage door. But tonight it was a special treat - one of my oldest and dearest friends was here to greet me at the door when I arrived home - my friend "Daisy."
"Daisy" (the names have been changed to protect the innocent) girl has been the queen of the (name-withheld) household for going on 11 years now. A lovely little dog with a wonderful temperament and a gorgeous overbite that you can only see when she smiles up at you lovingly from wherever she sits. She wears a pink collar and jingles everywhere she goes. A loveable little dog she is and is great to settle down in bed with or on the couch and snuggle. Her most famous anecdote? She'll do a drive by kissing if you're not watching. She will hand out the love willingly most nights but sometimes she wants to play so instead of running up to you and handing out a few kisses she'll jump up quickly, get really close, stick out her tongue just enough and fall JUST short of kissing you then hop off your lap and run like mad in the other direction. It really is cute and it never gets old.
Her parents have gone on a trip and have left her at home under my care and supervision. I have done this for them on many occasions as they have done for me and I always enjoy every minute of it. Tonight she can't get settled and wanders about the house aimlessly hoping that any second she will hear that door click and mommy and daddy will be home. She sits with me when she's not wandering - on full alert and perched on the arm of the chair where I sit. She's a good girl.
And every superhero story has an arch nemesis right? Well, this story is a little different. Joey isn't a superhero and I don't think "Mittens" the cat can be classified as an arch nemesis. Mittens the cat lives here with Daisy and is just not very fond of Joey Joe. As a result he will walk quickly through rooms of the house and slink along the walls of each room as if she wouldn't notice him here.
My friend Cindy Lu should arrive sometime in the early evening tomorrow night to play for the weekend. I think we're going to do some sightseeing this trip if the weather holds out. All of the news stations are calling for pretty severe storms over the course of the next few days. I hope not before Cindy Lu comes...the LAST time she came up for a visit she had to drive through tsunami type weather and it can take it's toll on your nerves. I hope it holds out until she arrives and if it rains and storms that just means MORE SCRAPPIN' TIME FOR US! :)
Dang, I hear you're having a pahty at this house you're wah-tching.
Is this the Kris I know. This is Paula the cousin.
Let me know.
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