So here is the scoop, people, for those of you who haven't been lucky enough to get the dull and boring details:
1. We packed up my house in a 16' Penske truck. BARELY. It was touch and go at the end - thought I'd have to have an impromptu garage sale right there on the spot!
2. As my friend Kris put it - it took a village to load it. There were something like 10 people at my house loading things up on the truck. Do I have wonderful friends or what??
3. Bobby flew in on that Thursday night and we slept until 9 or so on Friday before heading out on our adventure. The truck was a comfortable ride for him and he was able to match me mile for mile - sometimes even pushing me to go a little faster as I'd get distracted by talking to him or someone on the cell phone and dip below 60. We weren't on a time schedule by any means but we were both motivated by the good time we were making and wanted to keep up the momentum. :)
4. We drove 13 hours that Friday - stopping in Cookeville, TN around 11:30 that night to crash. And boy did we ever. We slept in on Saturday and got on the road around 11:30 that morning.
5. We droves a full day on Saturday - making only one major stop for food in the late afternoon - and arrived at Bobby's house around 10:30 p.m. or so.
6. Bobby lives in a very rural area of Virginia and it was kind of scary in the dark. The house is in the middle of a 5 acre lot in a town called Gloucester, Va. There is a private beach on the Yorktown River (salt water river that feeds into the ocean) about 15 minutes from the house. Mom and I are going to check it out on Thursday or Friday.
7. There are three other animals in the house besides Joey. There is Toby - a butterscotch and white bassett hound, a chihuahua- Pug mix named Fred and a pretty (and sturdy) gray striped cat named Mr. Bones. I fell in love with them instantly as did Joey. The dogs were at the kennel when we first arrived but Mr. Bones was here to greet us - he took one look at Joey and stood his ground (Joey was terrified) then walked right up to him and rubbed the entire length of his body along Joey's. You could actually SEE Joey's little body relax at that gesture. We picked up the dogs on Sunday afternoon and brought them home and it was like they'd been friends for years. Toby and Fred sniffed and smelled and snorted all over Joey who again stood there slightly terrified at the display. It didn't take them but a half a day to start wrestling and running around the house. Fred is about Joey's size and the two of them have been affectionately dubbed "Huey and Luey" - they go everywhere together and are often found wrestling and jumping all over the furniture each morning and evening. Toby is about 70 pounds and will occasionally jump down from his chair and try to get in the mix but when the other boys ignore him then he'll deliberately place himself within the mix and then bark that deep, low bark that he has. It doesn't stop the other two but it's quite comical nonetheless.
8. Bobby and I unloaded the truck that Sunday after we arrived. He is a very strong man let me tell you - he got that huge dresser of mine onto the dolly and up several steps and placed in the room without my help at all!
9. That first week was an adjustment period - trying to find a place for all of my stuff. To date 95% of my stuff is placed however, there are still boxes to be unpacked and things to be placed. For now though we have simply run out of room. I will send pics when I can....
10. We went to Richmond that first week for dinner with my family. What a great night that was! To only have to get in the car and drive 1 hour or so to get to their houses. We went to my favorite pizza joint for dinner where I enjoyed a delicious calzone like only East coasters can make! :) Bobby gets along fantastically with my family and we had great time!
11. I went BACK to Richmond that Sunday ( a week later) and spent the night with my mom. We were celebrating Beth's birthday and we spent 2 days at the pool. Again, it was wonderful to be able to just get in the car and make the trip.
12. This past Sunday we went to our friend Jaimie's house for the day. I had lived with Jaimie and his girlfriend years and years ago when I first lived in this area and we had all been great friends. It was good to see him and spend the day with him and his new wife, Sofia. She is a very nice girl and we chatted along most of the day like old friends.
13. I have been exceptionally good on my diet and Bob and I were both surprised to see when I got on the scale this past Saturday that I am now down to 179 pounds. A 10 pound loss since the day I packed up and moved. It's the lowest I have been in 15 years. I rewarded myself with a big bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream! :)
14. I have been digging up old recipes and grilling every single night. Bobby is in heaven and has complimented me on my cooking skills a couple of times. When I came home from the grocery store the first time he looked around the kitchen then asked what I had bought. He's used to seeing frozen burritoes, Ramen noodles and soup. I had brought home tons of fresh vegetables and fresh meat and he was leery of having to start his "new way of life."
15. Two weeks after I arrived Bobby had to have surgery to remove his gall bladder. I had mine out 10 years ago and boy are things different now? Get this, Dot - he was in surgery at 7:30 and we were walking out the door shortly after 9 a.m!!!!! Amazing. He balked at all of the doctors orders of course but has healed up nicely and will go back to work tonight. Not one complaint from him - this past few days has been like a mini vacation! :)
16. I have no more news - I'm bled dry on the news front. I just wanted to get something up here for my loyal followers. I promise to post pictures soon for all to see! :)
Love to all and I miss everybody!
Hey Kris! I was wondering about you over the weekend and wondering if you moved yet...kinda freaky!! I'm glad things went well, what a haul. Just thinkin' about ya and wondering....and Dottie too! Send me your adoption link again, so I can see how you're doing :-)
Take care, kisses~Christina McH
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