Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's too bad I'm on sweets restriction...a big chocolate cake would be a nice pick me up for some stressful times.
Yeah so I quit my job. And I'm moving 1300 miles. Got a nice size house to pack up and get on a truck. Oh and then there's the driving it back part too. In the meantime I've got two weeks of work left and a huge transition of information that needs to happen prior to my leaving.
Why would I be stressed?
I think I am just a teeny weeny bit. I haven't slept much in the last week or so and my days have been chock full of good workouts at the gym, work days full of information exchange and tying up loose ends and coming home at night trying to get packed and organized. I've had to figure out a way to get rid of a whole bunch of stuff I didn't need anymore and that wasn't easy. Thank God that's almost finished. But in the last day or so I've started feeling it. I've been on an adrenaline rush - trying to be responsible and get things accomplished so its not left to the last minute. I am here another week after my last day at work and while I'm pretty caught up I still don't want those days to be a mad scramble to get things finished. Even when I had someone pack me up and move the stuff FOR me I was stressed a little bit.
So the answer to the jackholes who asked me what I've got to be stressed about is - you don't know until you're going through it all what kind of stress this situation can cause. :) Don't judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes, right?

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

These last couple of weeks have been a little stressful weather wise to say the least. We saw the above picture on the news right around lunchtime and a co-worker said, "Oh that's nothing, it will break up by the time it even gets to us." I guess it hit Flower Mound pretty good; I had no damage or down trees in my area but the sirens did go off a couple of times. I haven't had to deal with the tornado warnings/sirens for the better part of 23 years! We lived in Michigan for several years and the sirens used to go off on a regular basis and down to the fruit cellar in the basement we went. I don't have a basement or a cellar however, they say get in a bathtub or the innermost room of your house. I didn't figure that I would be able to get Joey to stay IN the bathtub with me but right behind my bathtub I have a very nice sized linen closet that we throw a blanket, pillow and big flashlight in and hunker down. The last time we spent some time in that closet it was kind of scary. The wind was howling, the rain was pounding the house along with hail and it just sounded ominous outside of my windows. Joey was standing behind me in the way back of the closet - front paws up on my thigh and his ears and head cocked just listening. I was talking on the phone at the time, trying not to panic because it just sounded horrible. So there are lulls in the conversation and at one point I asked the other party to be quiet for a moment so I could figure out what that clicking noise was that I was hearing. The phone fell silent and I listened intently. My ears tuned into Joey who was standing there innocently enough, listening well for the storm and he was trembling so hard his teeth were chattering! The poor baby! Within five minutes he was full on up in my lap, little 20 pound body pushed hard and firm against me as if holding me in place. Who would have thought a little 20 pound dog could be that heavy?We climbed out sometime later and were a little gun shy. These storms don't just come and go. Last night they started shortly after I arrived home around 5 or 5:30 and we still had bad lightning and thunder at 9 last night. The next several days promise to be hot and sticky as this latest front has plowed through and made way for more summer like weather. I'm looking forward to summer but thank God I am going to be back on the east coast again!

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