I have become a creature of habit. It's not so uncommon I guess for people to eat while they watch television. I just never thought I'd be that
person. Not being a big fan of the tv table, I didn't purchase any when I moved. I have a dining room table but it's so far away from the tv!! I wanted a high top table but was going to wait for awhile before investing in one. That is, until we came upon this nice high top, square table at Ikea for just the right price.
The selling point really was that it was high enough that I could sit there and eat my supper and have the television in plain view. It couldn't have worked out better! I didn't want to eat on my new furniture...and it's tough to juggle a plate of food on your lap while the dog is snuggled into your side as close as he can get. So I got the table. And yet again, my wonderful brother in law stepped up to the plate to help and got it put together for me in no time flat!
Things are really coming together now!
(Yeah, I know Dot, the counters are really cluttered! I've cleaned them all off now!) :D
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