Who doesn't love kittens?
Well, for about the first week we had her, Joey didn't really much care for them. "Warm and cute and cuddly my fuzzy butt, mama!" that's what he said.
For the first few days she sat and regarded him from a distance. If he even had a THOUGHT about her, she hissed and spit. And all of 3 pounds her little tiny tail puffs up and she hunches her back and does that crazy sideways kitten hop that's supposed to be threatening to anything that crosses her path.
Her name is Gracie. The short version of her name - Grace - is because she has none. I hope her cat gene comes out soon; otherwise it's just downright embarrassing for the little thing. No coordination, she trips, runs into walls and slides across the linoleum. She falls off of things and clotheslines herself anytime she attempts a jump. I know, I know, she's just a baby. She needs to find her way. But COME ON, she tried to NURSE from Joey the other day...poor little boo - boo.
It was rough at first but now Joey just adores her. He's a lot bigger than her as you can probably imagine but he will lay down on the floor, on his back or his side and he will just let her come at him. The other day she had his back leg in her mouth and she was clamping down and he just stood there stone still and let her go at him. What a good big brother. She flies across the room to greet him when he comes inside. She's already antagonizing him and making me laugh out loud. She loves to peek her head into the computer room where Joey and I will be sitting and as soon as he sees her, he takes off running after her. She hightails it to higher ground so fast!!!
I'm not sure but it looks to me like true love.